"I'm pretty stunned that Moog Inc. didn't hire even one real, actual player to show it off at freaking NAMM of all places " - Dewster
In the whole Moog organization, there must be someone who KNEW that the instrument was unplayable.. By the time of NAMM, Moog inc knew it was unplayable!
You dont hire a "real, actual player " to demonstrate an unplayable instrument - You get people who cant play any theremin to demonstrate it, and pretend that the reason nobody is playing it is because those demoing it cannot play!
And perhaps the theremin is the only instrument in the world for which this scam could work - Those who can play getting befuddled and thinking the racket they are hearing is because (a) the "theremini-ist" cant play (b) making allowances for the chaos at the show (c) getting thrown by the auto-tuning (d) being impressed by the sounds on first hearing (e) Being blinded by the Moog label.
And even thereminists who could play theremins and were briefly exposed to the toy got befuddled, and in their excitement probably put any "difficulties" down to the different nature of the beast - thinking it just needed to be tuned for them, or they would be able to play it when they were familiar with it... The fact that they couldn't play a tune on it was put down to their inexperience with it. Nobody, in their wildest horror fantasy, could have believed that Moog inc could dump such a pile of shit onto the market - this realization only happened when they got one for themselves!
Nobody could get away with dumping a 100ms latency keyboard on the market - and no company could get anyone who could play such a keyboard except for drones - And the possibility of anyone actually playing a 100ms E-Field instrument is far lower (moving close to infinite improbability ;-).