Theremin as a controller in a Live performance

Posted: 2/25/2014 12:25:13 PM

Joined: 2/25/2014

Hi everybody!

Nice to join this community! ;) I'm not a real thereminist yet, but i think i can do some amazing things with it if used as a controller:


Thanks for your interest!

Posted: 2/25/2014 7:59:30 PM

From: Croxley Green, Hertfordshire, UK

Joined: 10/5/2005

Welcome to Theremin World. That's some cool fun. 

One of your comments intrigued me. "I simply use its audio output as a CV signal ;)" What the huh?

Could you elaborate on that? You're sending a line level audio signal to a CV in and that works? Or your synth has pitch tracking and an envelope follower?


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