Thanks, Witch. Bisem and Luna, I hope my B3 won't sound muddy! It does seem like it might be a problem with one batch of power adapters, as that would account for some of them sounding muddy, and some of them not.
Burns B3 Deluxe. Bad decision?
The B3 sounds "muddy" compared to the sharper sound of the EW but I actually fired mine up this morning and enjoyed playing it again. The linearity of the notes is much closer together on the high end but it is easy and natural to compensate for that. Like I said, I don't think you will go wrong with either one. I definitely recommend getting Thomas Grillo's instructional CD. The editing is slightly annoying but he has a very comprehensive and easy style of teaching that isn't intimidating. Since he uses his B3 Pro for the video it will be much easier for you to follow along. Enjoy your journey!
Thank you :D I actually am already planning on using a combination of Thomas Grillo's Theremin Lessons, and youtube to learn.
BTW, anyone know about the delivery time in the US? I ordered a day ago, but I'm not sure when it will get here.
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