I just bought my wife a theremin. It's an etherwave Plus. I noticed that the pitch antenna is slanted slightly back from bottom to top. The antenna isn't bent, the actual mount itself is causing the antenna to be slightly crooked leaning away from the performer. Is that by design? Does it even really matter? Should I make it perfectly straight up? Thanks.
Crooked pitch antenna
hi el espectro,
shame on the builder, it should be upright. +/- some small handmade tolerances. take a monkey-wrench, or some other plumbing tool,LOL, hold the case firmly and twist the mount towards desired direction. back/forth. if this goes to strong, then you could warm the mount a bit, since this softens the assumed used glue. just don't ever grab the rod to adjust the mount. if its skew left/right then it would protect the precious thread if you just leave the nut attached while fumble full force for verticality. (but that would mean: hole is drilled a bit badly)
hope it works and a happy theremin-world-time.
"hi el espectro, shame on the builder, it should be upright. +/- some small handmade tolerances. take a monkey-wrench, or some other plumbing tool,LOL, hold the case firmly and twist the mount towards desired direction. back/forth. if this goes to strong, then you could warm the mount a bit, since this softens the assumed used glue. just don't ever grab the rod to adjust the mount. if its skew left/right then it would protect the precious thread if you just leave the nut attached while fumble full force for verticality. (but that would mean: hole is drilled a bit badly) hope it works and a happy theremin-world-time."
I'll give that a try. Thanks!
Hi. i have bought a second hand theremin and im not sure if it is good...the pich antenna's base is nit stable and i dont dare open up the theremin to tighten it from inside. i have to be really careful so that the antenna doesnt roll and fall back or forth. now the sound..it vanishes only when im 3 or 4 inches far from it. does that mean my antenna is not sensitive enough?thanks!
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