Whoohoo, what fun! I bought this used for $40 and I fell like I've gotten that much fun out of it already.
The G1on has four main things:
* A set of pedals just like having 74 famous guitar pedals to choose from
* A rhythm box with ... 100? rhythms, eg. Samba, EuroPop
* And a looper that lets you record 30 seconds and then loop it
* A tuner that lets you see what note you're playing and how off pitch it is :-)
* 11 Dynamics Pedals
* 12 Overdrive / distortion Pedals
* 22 Amp simulator pedals with a variety of reverb / spring effects
* 15 Modulation pedals including leslie speaker, Octave, Flanger, Super Chorus, Phaser etc
* 14 Delay / Reverb pedals
So you can combine any five of the 74 pedals into a "Patch". Each effect has some number of controls (e.g. speed of the Leslie speaker) which get saved with the patch.
You switch from patch to patch with the pedals.
The G1on has 100 slots for patches; out of the box it comes with those slots filled so you can play around.
You can configure the patches using the G1on itself, or Windows or Mac software called ToneLib-Zoom.
Several reviews have said it doesn't feel like a "touring" pedal - it's made of plastic, not metal and feels like if you dropped it, the case would break or it would fly to pieces. Well, I'm not going to be touring for a while.