Tech & DIY / Mods
Theremin Mods
Interested in hotrodding your theremin? Check out these mods!
A great article from Max Baars on modifying the Silicon Chip (a.k.a. Jaycar) theremin for better performance.
Fred Nachbaur has written an excellent article describing his modifications to the PAiA Theremax. The article lists some improvements to the overall playability of the Theremax.
Instructions on how to add an audio jack and upgrade the antenna on the Gakken Mini Theremin kit.
The ultimate "how to hack your Etherwave" guide from Moog Music!
This module adds about 2 octaves of range in the bass register, making the Etherwave theremin sound even lower than a double bass. The linearity improves considerably over the full pitch range.
This module improves the volume response of the Etherwave Pro. Original Etherwave Pro theremins have what is called a snappy response. The softest audible sound is already quite loud, as silence is followed by a jump in volume from zero to a starting level of about -40dB. The consequences are not only a reduced dynamic range but also the impracticality of sophisticated expression at very low volume.
A $10 set of plans to build a microcontroller-based pitch-to-MIDI converter proven to work with popular theremin models.
8 ways you can modify MAKE Magazine's Weekender Light Theremin project.
Charles Hobbs offers replacement coils for the classic Etherwave and EM Theremin designs. These won't necessarily improve the sound or linearity, but they're gorgeous!
Member mollydad has written out step-by-step instructions for installing the awesome ESPE01 module in an Etherwave Standard theremin. View: ESPE01EtherwaveStandard.docx (MS Word, 16kb)
Originally posted by member dewster, this forum thread details another mod you can make to your Etherwave theremin to improve bass range performance and timbre.