Hi, I am new here.
Sorry for my bad English. It is not my native language. I'm from Holland (and dyslectic).
I knew always there was a special instrument but could not place it what it was. I heard it once on the song "good vibrration" (o.k. that's not a real theremin). Finaly I saw a DIY theremin on a website and from that moment I knew that I want a Theremin.
After months watching youtube and websites I saw abbout two weeks ago a Theremin "walk in day" in the neigberhood, where I could try a theremin. There I ordered finily my first theremin, a standard Moog Etherwave Kit.
I build it and try to play music on it, but it needs a lot of practice. I now try the songs from the movie "the sound of music" becource the are not too hard to play and a funny way to practice practice scales.
He is now temporarily disassembled and I just painted him black and is now drying. The paint shop has done his best to find black paint without carbon or graphite.
I think I have to finetune him once. I have the feeling the space between the high notes are smaller than between the low notes. But first I need to figer out what is the best way to do this.