Hi Chaz....Welcome to ThereminWorld...You asked what else might help you get started. For me, the purchase of an inexpensive boom box which plays CD's, radio, and cassettes (yes, I'm old enough that I STILL have some cassettes) has been very helpful. This boom box has a remote control so that I can change radio stations or CD tracks or position on the track I'm working on from my playing position at the theremin. I practice some things (scales, arpeggios, etc.) without accompaniment, but the boom box is very helpful in giving me a musical foundation to play on top of, so that I can match pitch, rhythm, etc. Many sports are all about eye/hand coordination, but theremin is all about ear/hand coordination, and having something with a solid tonal center to match has helped me a lot....
Roll Call - 2012
Hi Chaz,
welcome to the wonderful world of the theremin.
I'm just new here so can't give much in the way of tips and hints, other than the usual: preseverance, ear plugs for others (as suggested by w0ttm), a sense of humour and a good tune in your head or on the music system!
Bon chance!
I have observed "Oh So Beautiful" from the beginning and she is remarkable.
Thanks for all your kind words and support! Actually, everything but the mic stand is now delivered and ready to go (mic stand tomorrow or the next day). Set up this weekend... No significant "other" at this point, my beloved furry kids long passed on, a not so very nice landlady who is happily "absentee" at this point and empty apartments both upstairs and next door make this an ideal time to put the torch to the crucible and see what happens...
Learned about the Theremin years ago via I believe "The Village Voice" newspaper... (perhaps it was some other "alternative" NYC paper)...
After procrastinating for some time (and finding this forum) I felt the urge to take the plunge... call it a apres mid-life crisis if you will, but in any event I'm determined to make some music with this instrument!
(I'm also taking acoustic guitar lessons again... after a 45 year hiatus...)
Woah.. Dear TW friends, you are all WAY WAY Too nice! You will make me blush as red as my hair haha. Thank you for watching my channel, I am flattered! :)
Chaz, it's the perfect tme to start learning the ways of the theremin... HAVE FUN!! :)
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