This isnt the first temple I've been booted from... :>
My hero has been Tesla like hopefully many of ours has. I was raised by an astrologer and she informed me of many things that I have come to re-cognize on my own. One of the most fascinating things she pointed out was the precession of the ages. In that precession we are "coming into the age of aquarius".
That in itself is not that awe inspiring. What is though are the dots. Aquarius is the water bearer and an air sign commonly depicted as pouring two lightning bolts from a jar. Those bolts are commonly misconstrued as water.
Tesla was a man of resonance. Much like the theremin is an instrument of. His idea was one to harness the water of Niagara falls and push it into the ionosphere so that it could be collected through resonant antennas.
It seems that if Leon had an idol it was Nikola.
We know Tesla died a cook in the new yorker. But the reasoning behind him abruptly going mad is one that is maybe worthy of the temple since we are speaking of the numinous.
I am inclined to believe that the fields Tesla was surrounding himself with were interacting with his normal neural synapses. He was wirelessly transferring energy to his dendritic tree. His brain began to rely on that field for normal processing. When JP cut his funding and he went brok theat was no longer there so one synapse that was usually helped by the field had to travel without help and things became very confusing since information and memories that were once a thought away became very distant and hard to grasp.
This is how I sometimes feel with the theremin. I like to keep it on and be as close to it as I can. If I am away from it too long I feel a longing for it. I can't think straight. I begin to forget what it is I am supposed to do.
Maybe its just me. But I think I'm addicted.