"Capacitance is not between the antennas, but between the antennas and ground (earth) - your hand affects that value." - rupertchappelle
I've actually investigated this pretty thoroughly. There is some modulation of the antenna intrinsic C due to the hand, and there is some actual mutual C between the hand and the antenna. I agree that the mutual return path is ground.
""Antenna" is a marking term since radios were very popular with the Theremin were introduced. It does not transmit and if it receives, you get radio coming through your music, so it really is not purposed as a radio antenna."
Yes, I think most here understand this, but it doesn't hurt to point it out now and then.
"The choice of a rod for the plate has made theremins very difficult to master."
The choice for a rod-shaped pitch antenna was probably made mainly to linearize the near-field, which actually makes them easier to master.