Claravox Centennial- known issues, bugs and quirks

Posted: 12/15/2021 7:46:30 AM

From: Whanganui, New Zealand

Joined: 11/4/2020

I really like my Claravox.  I really like my etherwaveplus.  Both play and sound great.  Moog does have some quality control issues but resolves them.  I just got an IPad that runs Claravox software.  It makes a very good product even better.  It’s hard to get workers now, much less skilled technicians.  Moog made mistakes, they are far from perfect.  The Claravox was launched in the middle of the worst pandemic in a hundred years.  It is amazing they got it out at all.  The Claravox isn’t perfect but am I the only person that loves their instrument. Thanks Seems some were negative before they got theirs, as they received theirs,  and the whole time they have had their Claravox.  Don’t own one if it brings you nothing but sorrow.

Actually no. I'm happy with mine too. Plays well and is really stable in terms of the antenna fields. I still don't have MIDI working but - I'm pickign time will fix that

Posted: 12/15/2021 10:08:04 PM

From: Whanganui, New Zealand

Joined: 11/4/2020


MIDI works great on the CVox sending note data to other instruments BUT by default this function is switched off so unless you're an Apple user and have the editor there's no easy way to change this setting.

I did it manually using MIDI-OX via USB to send CC# data to CC# 108 and 110 - both need to be sent 64 to switch it on then set it to chromatic mode.

The Claravox always sends MIDI data even when you've switched Output to mute

It also seems to reset those MIDI control codes back to the defaults when you completely power it off

when you have activated MIDI the volume loop works to control volume via MIDI on your external instrument without further adjustments

Posted: 12/15/2021 10:43:32 PM

From: Northern NJ, USA

Joined: 2/17/2012

"MIDI works great on the CVox sending note data to other instruments BUT by default this function is switched off..."  - gingercat

This seems to be a mistake, why not send MIDI by default?  Interference?  MIDI isn't very taxing even on a weak modern processor.

"... so unless you're an Apple user and have the editor there's no easy way to change this setting. I did it manually using MIDI-OX via USB to send CC# data to CC# 108 and 110 - both need to be sent 64 to switch it on then set it to chromatic mode."

How cumbersome and unfortunate for non-Apple users.  This should be a front panel control IMO, and not require an external command.

"The Claravox always sends MIDI data even when you switched Output to mute"

Another mistake?  I think mute should also mute the synth.  What about stage situations?

"It also seems to reset those MIDI control codes back to the defaults when you completely power it off"

Another mistake?  Maybe I just don't understand their rationale here.

Posted: 12/16/2021 12:53:16 AM

From: Portland, Oregon

Joined: 2/22/2018

It seems to me the normal expectation would be that the mute switch should also toggle midi output. This is gonna really cook your noodle: the MIDI out on/off state is saved with each timbre, so if you toggle it and store the change it will be on when you switch the theremin back on!

Posted: 12/16/2021 2:50:34 AM

From: Northern NJ, USA

Joined: 2/17/2012

"It seems to me the normal expectation would be that the mute switch should also toggle midi output."  - bendra

When mute is enabled, the D-Lev sends current note off, all notes off, and all sound off.

"This is gonna really cook your noodle: the MIDI out on/off state is saved with each timbre, so if you toggle it and store the change it will be on when you switch the theremin back on!"

The D-Lev does this too (MIDI setup per voice preset) is that a bad thing?  My noodle doesn't feel all that cooked over it. ;-)  I suppose you can tell I'm new to the endless vagaries of the MIDI "standard".

[EDIT] IMO the Cvox has it exactly backwards, you should have to take active measures to turn MIDI off (like enable mute, channel=0, etc.) rather than on.

Posted: 12/16/2021 8:52:27 AM

From: Whanganui, New Zealand

Joined: 11/4/2020

It seems to me the normal expectation would be that the mute switch should also toggle midi output. This is gonna really cook your noodle: the MIDI out on/off state is saved with each timbre, so if you toggle it and store the change it will be on when you switch the theremin back on!

thanks bendra - good to know. I should have tried a timbre save but didn't think of that 

I think if MIDI output was an issue it would take micro seconds to toggle it off using its CC# so not really a big deal. Just something to be aware of. Of course you could always go back to the old days and just drape the power lead over the volume loop

Posted: 12/16/2021 2:38:47 PM

From: Scotland

Joined: 9/27/2012

Question moved to 'Claravox software editor tips, tricks, and successes' thread.

Posted: 2/1/2022 7:18:12 PM

From: Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania

Joined: 1/1/2011

"I agree.   I mostly wanted an etherwave pro.  I wish analogue mode had register changes.  I just think all things considered if operating property  its the closest the average player will ever get to a etherwave pro."  - Yngvox MoogsteenIt really would have been more of a "centennial" type re-release too, an EWPro2 as it were.  They could have made a limited collector's edition walnut and brass commemorative beauty, and later stuck the guts in a less fancy enclosure and sold them until the cows came home.

I agree with you.  I do appreciate Moog's intentions but a strictly analog update if the EW Pro would have been a welcome delight. I just got my CVox last week. I certainly didn't need it but a wanted it to compliment my aging EW Pro. As far as sound and playability I prefer the EW Pro. Also having the issue with intermittent pitch fluctuations along with the volume antenna that doesn't completely mute. I'm sure that Moog will most likely be able to resolve these issues for me but will the Cvox continue to be undependable in the future? Heck...updating the EWS may have been a viable alternative! As the famous quote goes "less is more".

Posted: 2/2/2022 4:28:17 AM

Joined: 4/19/2021

I have had the issue multiple times that my instrument left on mute for too long will get "stuck" on mute and need to be turned off and on again to get the mute switch to respond, but today I had the opposite experience — I left the instrument unmuted for about 40min to warm up (I had the amp powered off), and then it would not mute.

So I guess that whatever the bug is it means that sometimes the instrument simply stops registering changes in the mute switch position.

Posted: 2/2/2022 4:41:55 AM

From: Whanganui, New Zealand

Joined: 11/4/2020

I guess that whatever the bug is it means that sometimes the instrument simply stops registering changes in the mute switch position.

I had assumed the mute switch was hard wired and dissconnected the output, mainly because it doesn't switch off the tuner output, the headphone output  or the MIDI output

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