i suppose i'm entering this conversation a bit late in the game, but i have been looking for inexpensive CV voices for the e-plus also -
at first i was working a lot with the ~$350 moogerfooger freqbox, which contains a VCO (sweepable between sawtooth, triangle, square, pulse) as well as an envelope follower, (and also the ability to FM modulate the theremin's own sound with the VCO, or mix the theremin's voice and the VCO set to, say, an octave up or down or whatever).
here (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cKCgSKx8jWY) is an old demo i posted of it, pls excuse the horrible intonation and sound quality...
unfortunately, you will find that once you leave the triangle mode, it really starts to need a good filter...
i also tried a korg monotron (~60) which contains a VCO (sawtooth only) and a -great- sounding VCF (i am told very similar to the korg MS10). it is fairly easily modifiable to take CV inputs. HOWEVER i ran into two main problems - i couldn't figure out how to get rid of the horrible noise that is on the monotron's only output (a headphone output), AND it has a really horrible envelope - basically "on and off" (with some extremely limited fake-enveloping possibilities by using the monotron's lfo on the filter). so, because of the noisy output and the on/off envelope, it is not a great solution.
this sent me spiralling into looking at all sorts of modular gear, because i have this irrational love for modular gear like a moth to flame... after a brief foray into analogue systems gear (which is nice, but EXPENSIVE (especially because of the exchange rate i imagine))...
..i found this guy who is SUPER SUPER NICE: Mattson Mini Modular (http://www.mattsonminimodular.com). for roughly the price of a new moog analog synth, you could have a pretty good start on a real modular system... uh. well i guess roughly speaking for the price of a little phatty you would be able to afford a mattson custom walnut case, envelope follower, VCO, VCA VCF,... i guess that's about it, but it covers a lot of territory. the plus side of this is that (a) you would have an awesome looking, super expandable real modular synth. the minus side (vs. the little phatty) is not having savable patches, an LFO (that module would make it more expensive than the little phatty i think), and a keyboard... but people like us don't need keyboards, now do we???
also, mr. mattson might be able to be convinced, i think, to do a combo euro-rack and mattson format case, which will open you up to a whole giant world of modular madness, sigh.
random wendy carlos-esque video (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SY2ijf1nJPk) of a mattson modular
i am receiving a sort of beginner's mattson case in a bit i will try to post a video or something..
edit: oops i see now that there is a quite reasonably priced moog "slim phatty"... $800.. that is pretty nice, actually...