Revision of ideas / Update;
(this is being updated as I think of other things) ..
Been re-thinking the whole theremin construction and options in the light of feedback received.
Major issues I have looked at:
1.) CV Output.
2.) The balance between "functions" and "minimalism"
3.) Getting to market - Time / Cost.
4.) The user interface (which directly related to 2 + 3)
5.) "Partitioning" to enable modular construction and simplify development.
These are my thoughts at this time:
A.) MAIN BOARD: A primary "core" board which implements all the RF functions and features such as register switching, tuning, linearity and span for pitch and volume. This board has no stand-alone function and must be connected to one or more boards to become anything useful. All controls on this board are manual, there is no digital interface to it. (This board is probably price/ complexity level 6).
B.) "Classic" AUDIO BOARD: (Optional) This will be a manually controlled analogue board soley and entirely dedicated producing classic theremin sounds - Two knobs set the "excitation" wave shape, and this is followed by a complex resonator / formant circuit with 8 knobs. The intention is that resonances / formants typical of instruments and the voice can be adjusted to shape the tone. (This board is probably price/ complexity level 4)This board can be used alone or with boards E and/or F.
C.) CV BOARD: (optional) This board is low cost (board is probably price/ complexity level 1) CV interface outputting a linear voltage compatible with V/Octave for synths and also (perhaps) a separate V/HZ CV, it also outputs volume CV and gate signals. This board does NOT track any audio - it will output CV with approximately the same span and linearity one would get if an audio board was connected, and switch registers, but could be semitones out and irregular if audio was being simultaneously output from an audio board. For this reason, if both audio and the CV board are fitted, a selector switch will give the thereminist choice of "theremin" or "controller" modes. In Controller mode, there will be no audio output - none - not even preview.. In Theremin mode there will be no pitch CV output. The instrument owner will have the option to bypass this lockout - but this will be an explicit action they must take, as the audio (pitch) output would not be musically related to the CV.
D.) AUDIO OUTPUT BOARD: (Essential if any audio boards fitted) This board will take signal(s) from the audio board(s) and mix them. This board will also take an external stereo audio signal and allow this to be mixed with preview and the main output signals so that the thereminist can monitor and practice using headphones / ear-buds. This board will also contain the VCA (This board is probably price/ complexity level 1.5). One of the things which astounds me about even top theremins like the EWP, is that monitoring by the thereminist is almost completely ignored - One needs a dedicated monitoring path with good headphone amplifier, so you can hear your theremin, hear the preview signal, and hear what you are supposed to be playing along to.. I dedicated a small Mackie purely for this function when I thought I might become a thereminist! ;-) .. I want that same functionality built into any theremin I design, and its not as if this costs much extra.
I will be needing the services of an artist to do my panel designs before I put anything on the market! ;-) .. but it will need to be an "old school" artist - I detest the gaudy look of some modern panels, particularly on some modern Japanese instruments and American stomp-boxes! (oh, I call "preview" "Cue")
At present, I think the above will be my first target.
E.) Manual Audio Board 2: (optional) This will produce a range of mixable waveforms using the mixed signal heterodyning engine and classic subtractive synthesis. This board can be used alone or with boards B and/or F. (This board is probably price/ complexity level 3)
F.) Manual Analogue Heterodyning board: (optional) This will consist of two classic analogue mixers - the EM (diode) and a 4QM for more sine-like waveforms. This board can be used alone or with boards B and/or E. (This board is probably price/ complexity level 3)
G.) CV Synth board: A CV synthesiser for use when board C is fitted .. Will NOT work with any other audio board (except board D which it will need). If an instrument is fitted with both theremin audio boards and this board, this board will only play when the instrument is in "controller" mode, and the theremin audio boards will only play when the instrument is in "theremin" mode.. All audio will go through board D, so it would function as a switchable voice theremin.(This board is probably price/ complexity level 3-6 depending on the complexity of the synthesiser).. The CV output from the instrument WILL track the pitch from this board.
All the above are controlled entirely by mechanical analogue means, this results in a lot of knobs for a full system, and even the minimum audio system has its fair share! - Also, there is no way to store any setup.
Digital control would replace these mechanical controls with electronic ones (digitally controlled potentiometers for example) and the controller (DUI) would be able to store these settings in presets - The controller would also support MIDI communication OF CONTROL SIGNALS ONLY so that external hardware and software appliances could be used to alter the controls, and presets could be uploaded and downloaded.
H.) Digital User Interface (DUI) -
I.) Digitally controlled Audio board. (all functions of boards B E and F, and perhaps more)
I will think about these after I have A,B,C and D running! ;-)
* Price / Complexity level.. I am thinking purely speculatively here, may be miles out either way.. bit each complexity level will probably equate to about £40 on the the price.. So a CV controller (6+1) would be about £180, and a "classic" (A+B+D) = 6+4+1.5 =11.5 = 10*£40+60 = £460 .. This is board prices, cost of cabinet antennas etc will probably add another £40 ? - Depending on whether wood or plastic... I always tend to underestimate costs, so the above are probably on the optimistic side..
Comments / ideas are REALLY welcome at this time .. Nothing is yet set in stone!