A few years old, but may still have the technical redactor's opinion on this forum:https://theremin.tf/en/related-websites/thereminworld-com-2/#more-123
Touché (as we say in English)
Know what this sound is, and it doesn't come from a theremin . . .
. . . unless it is being pitched at less than 16 cps.
A few years old, but may still have the technical redactor's opinion on this forum:https://theremin.tf/en/related-websites/thereminworld-com-2/#more-123
Seriously... was this pretty disparaging 2014 summary opinion of Theremin World authored by Mr. Frenkel or someone else?
"Seriously... was this pretty disparaging 2014 summary opinion of Theremin World authored by Mr. Frenkel or someone else?" - pitts8rh
It's gotta be Thierry. The web site is clearly his, and he expresses this opinion a lot here at TW.
Not to add to the contention, but I don't see any harm whatsoever in literally anyone endeavoring to add to the knowledge base of how the Theremin works, and I really don't understand the rational for shutting down the discussions associated with these types of investigations here at TW. It obviously takes a multi-disciplined approach to design, build, and bring a good Theremin to market, so folks with weak backgrounds in any of the highly disparate fields of music performance, electrical engineering, DSP, product design, ergonomics, UI, UX, fabrication, etc. should expect (and should absolutely get, as this how objective research works) push-back from others who are more experienced if they're wandering too far beyond their strengths (and I realize that it's hard not to take push-back personally).
But that's about it. If you find these discussions boring, don't read them. If you find them offensive, I don't know what the hell you're even doing here. I mean, it's called "Theremin World" for god's sake, where the hell else are we supposed to discuss these things? Those who show up here simply to disparage and discourage honest and open investigation need to get a grip and butt out.
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