Hello All,
I've just recently acquired a Moog Theremini, and I'm trying to navigate my way around calibration and setting everything up. I know the Theremini is often met with sighs of contempt, but I'm really enjoying it so far!
However, I am having problems with calibrating the pitch antenna. I've seen this issue raised so many times, both on here and the Moog support forum, but I can't find any responses for my problem. I understand how to do the calibration process, and how to set the pitch range of the instrument. I've currently got it set on a 4 octave range. The unit itself is set up on a microphone stand, as per recommendations, so no chance of interference from hidden metal in a table or anything.
When I do the calibration process, I can't seem to find zero beat. The theremin will say that it's calibrated for 4 octaves (according to the settings), but it won't play the whole range, I'll only get maybe 2 octaves from my chest to the pitch antenna. The rest seem to be several feet behind me, and I can't find the lowest range/zero beat at all. If I step far away from the unit, it will continue to make sound, even though I have the 'automute' function on the pitch antenna turned on. This happens when the pitch correction knob is on 0%.
In the above scenario, when I turn the pitch correction knob to 100%, suddenly I have the opposite problem. The pitch field gets incredibly condensed, it will now play all 4 octaves in the space of a foot. Zero beat will be halfway between the pitch antenna and my chest. My understanding is that the pitch correction knob isn't supposed to alter the size of the pitch field, as it does in my situation. Can someone verify that this is correct?
I've tried calibrating my Theremini in different environments, plugged it in to different wall sockets. I can never get it to calibrate the same way twice, even if literally nothing in the room/environment has changed. Because the pitch field is widely variable every single time I use it, even with the same settings and calibrating it the exact same way, I can't go on to focus on my technique because there's no stability whatsoever. It really is a lucky dip as to what the pitch field will be like, and how many octaves I get to play with (regardless of what settings I choose).
I don't mind having to frequently calibrate it, and I understand it's highly sensitive to it's environment because of it's very nature. I just don't understand why I can't correctly define the pitch field as per the calibration instructions?
I was thinking a factory reset would be the first place to start. I can't seem to find any instructions on this anywhere, could someone please assist?
Many thanks in advance for your help!