"After getting mine back from Moog I still notice that in traditional mode I cannot completely silence the sound output. With my hand in the volume loop I can still hear a faint tone. Is it possible running this tuning exercise might correct this?" - johnthom
I can't say I'm privy to all of the design details, but is your "VOLUME ANTENNA" (null) knob pegged one way or the other for proper playing? If not, does moving it some help to silence it? I think (don't know) that the knob is just a fine tuner for the coil slug adjustment, so if it isn't at the limits of its range for proper adjustment, then turning the slug probably won't help. But it probably can't hurt to try moving it a little! You might look inside with a flashlight to see the current alignment, and keep track of your adjustments as you do them so you can undo them if needed. Put a piece of tape on the other end of the hex tool, like a flag, to better visually see the extent of the rotation.
Someone mentioned that Moog was reworking the volume oscillator boards? If you sent yours back I have to assume that rework has been done one way or the other. Then again, they don't seem to know how to code a simple mute function.