Where can I find the Claravox editor - Windows version?

Posted: 3/20/2025 6:05:27 PM

From: Minnesota USA

Joined: 11/27/2015

Unfortunately I am 1 out of 3 here.  I ran across that MIDI documentation recently too but agree that it seemed to be an interesting start with too much left as an exercise for the reader.  

The more I think about it the more it makes sense to do a conversion and hang on to the original electronics for someone who needs it in the future.  I'm not ready to do that just yet, but the more I think about Moog support possibly not being there even if there is a real need for some repair I can't do myself, it makes more sense.  The enclosure/stand/etc is actually worth a fair amount to me even if the electronics went completely south (though not worth what was paid) and it is comforting to know there is an alternative path via a D-Lev conversion, it could be a fantastic theremin in the end with all the space for options in there. 

In the total of 6 hours or so that I have spent with the Claravox since I received it back when (not kidding!) I haven't seen anything that I can't at least closely emulate with the D-Lev or in most cases surpass. A conversion might be fun, but I'm not ready to let Moog get off this easily without some discussion.

Posted: 3/25/2025 10:56:36 AM

From: 30 km south of Paris (France)

Joined: 12/23/2022

I'm still trying to get a satisfactory answer from Moog.
Under their last  answer, I found two buttons : a green "Satisfied" and a red "Dissatified".
Guess which one I clicked.

I doubt they even read this kind of answer so I also replied to the mail saying I was not satisfied and I was surprised that they updated my ticket as "Resolved" !

Here is their answer !

Hi Andre,

Thank you for your response.

I hope you're having a good day.

Please rest assured that Moog are aware of the issue and the relevant team are actively investigating. I have reached out to Moog regarding the issue but they have no answers at this time. Previous versions of the software are unfortunately unavailable.

I would also be happy to offer a free plugin up to £70 in value, from air music tech, if they are interested in music production tools.https://www.airmusictech.com/

As a Moog fan, you may be interested in the following: Jura, Sub Factory, Mini D. Unfortunately, we are unable to offer Native Instruments.

Please let me know if you have any questions.

Kind Regards,

John Technical Support Specialist - Level II
inMusic Europe Ltd


Posted: 3/25/2025 2:26:47 PM

From: Minnesota USA

Joined: 11/27/2015

Here is their answer !

Hi Andre,

Thank you for your response.

I hope you're having a good day.
Please rest assured that Moog are aware of the issue and the relevant team are actively investigating. I have reached out to Moog regarding the issue but they have no answers at this time. Previous versions of the software are unfortunately unavailable.
I would also be happy to offer a free plugin up to £70 in value, from air music tech, if they are interested in music production tools.https://www.airmusictech.com/
As a Moog fan, you may be interested in the following: Jura, Sub Factory, Mini D. Unfortunately, we are unable to offer Native Instruments.
Please let me know if you have any questions.
Kind Regards,
John Technical Support Specialist - Level II
inMusic Europe Ltd

That takes a special lack of awareness to give an evasive non-answer to the support question while trying to sell you something new in the next couple of sentences.    I wonder if John Technical Support Specialist is even a human.

Posted: 3/26/2025 10:41:57 AM

From: Northern NJ, USA

Joined: 2/17/2012

Roger, Dorit was a consultant for the Cvox, she might be able to help you track down the editor software.

Posted: 3/28/2025 8:09:29 PM

From: 30 km south of Paris (France)

Joined: 12/23/2022

Last news from "John Technical Support Specialist - Level II - inMusic Europe Ltd" who doesn't seem to be an AI :

Regarding the software, to reiterate I'm afraid there is nothing we can do to speed up the process of access to the app. I empathize for your situation. As previously stated, Moog are aware of this and are actively looking into acquiring the licensing required for the software.
Unfortunately, there is nothing else that can be done to help speed up this process.

(Sentence underlined by me)
What is your understanding?
Do they need a license to be able to make their own software available to Claravox owners?
Or is the software a property of a third party?

Posted: 3/29/2025 11:05:50 AM

From: Northern NJ, USA

Joined: 2/17/2012

Dorit got back to me with the name of a contact and I pinged them on FB, but no response yet.

I don't understand why all editors aren't open source.  In a very real way It's part of the instrument, particularly if it's required to adjust any internal settings.

Posted: 3/29/2025 4:10:57 PM

From: Portland, Oregon

Joined: 2/22/2018

Do they need a license to be able to make their own software available to Claravox owners?Or is the software a property of a third party?

The iOS app at least says Moog Music on its license page. It’s possible the windows software contains some 3rd party library which Moog/inMusic doesn’t want to pay for anymore.

Agree w/ dewster on the open source, and I'd go further to say that a theremin which requires external software to fully function is a really bad design

Posted: 3/31/2025 12:37:51 PM

From: Minnesota USA

Joined: 11/27/2015

Could someone please give me the email address for a tech support contact that they have been in communication with for the Claravox at Moog or InMusic or whatever it is called these days (such as John the tech support specialist mentioned here) ?  

While the Moog site has always been a little weird, I can't find any support tab except under "dealers" and that isn't what I was looking for.

The way I see it, by removing access to the software that is required for full functionality of the Claravox they have effectively taken back something that has been paid for. This has hobbled the capability of the Claravox and undoubtedly made it of limited resale value.  The software exists, and they need to get over whatever licensing issues they think they have and restore access, preferably in a standalone form and not some type of store app. 

I see this as being very closely related to the ominous trend where companies are cutting off access to digital products that consumers have paid for.  This is happening with movies and software where the purchaser without any physical media is at the mercy of the provider. Terms of many digital products and services are being changed at will from perpetual licensing to subscription plans, and often subtle but important changes are being made in the wording of license agreements without notice and sometimes without even changing the revision date of the terms. Expensive hardware products that rely on some form of server access are being bricked when companies go under or simply decide to end support for legacy devices.

I'd like to get into the discussion with Moog, but I need a contact.  They seem to be very good at hiding support information.


Posted: 3/31/2025 1:07:19 PM

From: 30 km south of Paris (France)

Joined: 12/23/2022

My contact is John Technical Support Specialist - Level II - inMusic Europe Ltd
Email : inMusic CX Team : customerexperienceteam@inmusicbrands.com

He is not an employee of Moog and is probably located in GB.

He says he communicates with Moog but I don't have the name of his contact at Moog.

I started a ticket on Moog site.
Menu (3 horizontal lines on top right of main page).
Then "Support", then "Submit a ticket".

I got an unsigned answer by mail.
Then, as I insisted, saying I was not satisfied with the answers, I got a more "human" contact with this "John".

By the way, I just returned to the Moog site and I have retreived my access as a registered customer.
My Claravox is still there with its serial number and warranty expiration date of Sept 6th, 2027. (4 years from date of purchase).

I could ask them for a repair under warranty, or even for a refund, saying that the instrument is not functional anymore because of the discontinued software!

Posted: 3/31/2025 2:26:03 PM

From: Minnesota USA

Joined: 11/27/2015

Hi André,

I tried to log in to my Moog account with my original credentials (which I know are correct) and it would not accept them nor would it allow me to set a new password.  I'll look again but I think at the time I couldn't find any way in to find my records or open a ticket.  This sort of adds to the overall "experience" with Moog.

Anyway I'll contact this person in a couple days (I'm having surgery and will be out of service for at least that long).  I assume they know that their actions are being discussed publicly, but maybe I can add to what you have accomplished so far.  I'm feeling a little feisty about this at the moment.

Thanks for the quick reply, and I'll post if/when I hear back.

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