"Watching the Claravox catapulting out of the box and landing on )presumably wet) grass was the most egregious abuse of a brand new instrument I believe I’ve ever seen." - ContraDude
I just about died too.
"The UI of the D-Lev is displayed on your P3 in its full glory - clean and simple"
I've designed and built a certain amount of electronic stuff (not a ton) and try to lay out the controls so that the need for labeling is minimized. Part of the goal is ergonomic, part is practical in that I can't make pretty / durable labels. Results have been mixed, I made a function generator that semi-puzzles me whenever I whip it out. But the D-Lev UI seems fairly self-explanatory sans labeling - the display really helps here, and it's a little weird that the Claravox doesn't have at least a one line LCD. Lots of encoders are a real luxury too, and having them obviously correspond to LCD locations is a natural.
I sincerely hope the D-Lev lives up to your expectations!