might this help? ...thierry, you have good singing...as a man with profound knowledge on maths and programming:-) i also studied at the local university, only for which tram I should take to get home. I now them from the outside very well. so i'm more the visual guy and geometrical educated and my programming knowledge is reduced to cnc-machinery for stonecutting... as i understand that wave programming, it is based on a x/y grid, x for the 1030 lines and y for the -2048/+2047 values? more or less like on a oscilloscope? i understand "copy-paste" but not " serial monitor". i have to check that arduino stuff in a quiter moment, to understand more. you explained very nice on another waveform thread about triangle wave and that makes sense to me. frankly, i don't have the time or nerves to type all those values, just for a result i don't like. any www resource that explains it to average joe?
he urs, sorry for being too ill to discuss things last time we met. one board went to a befriended music-teacher and he likes it a lot. not only musically but also because of the simplicity of the handling. i just swapped the knob led, (brillant idea) with a slow changing rainbow led. no interferences. some people call me the space cowboy...
elmo: the sneaky positioning... makes it so versatile for using it in the rehearsal, along with a trombone and guitars and not much free space anyway. it accommodates the playing field to nearly every theremin-unfriendly area.