With five theremin artists performing this is becoming one of the major U.S. theremin events of the summer.
ELECTRO-MUSIC 2007 is here. The largest festival of electronic music in the country will feature five well-known thereminists, performing in both solo and group settings. Audiences will have a unique chance to see just how versatile the grandfather of all electronic instruments really is.
From June 1st through 3rd, the Cheltenham Art Center will be buzzing (literally) with a huge array of performers from around the country and Europe, featuring 40 concert performances by some of today’s most innovative composers and musicians.
Here’s how the theremins at EM 2007 shake out:

Friday, June 1st at 7:30pm EDT Kevin utilizes aerial fingering and uses theremin as a tonal instrument. He’ll be performing on a Moog Etherwave Pro in surround-sound, completely enveloping the listeners. Kevin's set will include two world-premiere works for Theremin and multiple live loops without pre-recorded elements

(also http://www.myspace.com/astrogenic ) Saturday, June 2nd at 3:30pm EDT SPIKE the Percussionist is a percussionist and composer of noizology. The name Astrogenic Hallicinating is less about the music and more fitting for the images conjured up while listening to his creations.

Saturday, June 2nd at 11:00pm EDT Michael will be utilizing his Etherwave and an awe-inspiring array of electronic instruments for a set with longtime collaborator Mark Mahoney. Together, they incorporate both analog and digital synthesizers, software based instruments and theremin to weave deep space and dark ambient soundscapes to sculpt austere visions derived from sound.

(also http://www.levelgreen.com) Sunday, June 3rd at 4:30pm EDT With band mate J. Robert Lennon, the duo are The Bemus Point, hailing from Itaca, New York. James uses the Moog Etherwave as a controller for a Dave Smith Evolver synth as well as the Inverse Room Photosynth made by Lennon.

Sunday June 3rd – Demonstration at 12:15pmEDT, Performance at 7:oopm EDT Kip will be using a Moog Etherwave to explore the theremin’s range and techniques during an afternoon demonstration: "Serenity, Power and Love - A Theremin Triad ". Later that evening, with jazz pianist and composer Tara Buzash, the two will embark on a deep exploration of the possibilities for jazz.
For a complete lineup of all of Electro-Music 2007’s performers and their performance times, go to http://event.electro-music.com. While you’re there you can purchase tickets from a full three-day pass to a single day. Check out the forums, photos from last year’s festival and an mini-documentary of Electro-Music 2006.
ELECTRO-MUSIC 2007 runs from noon to midnight, Frid