Sean Michaels Wins Prestigious Award for "Us Conductors"
This is a big deal for World Thereminization! Sean Micheals has won the prestigious Scotiabank Giller prize for his debut work, Us Conductors: A Novel . The $100,000 prize is the most lucrative literary award in Canada and brings a lot of attention to...

Thereminists To Appear With "Us Conductors" Author On Book Tour
Author Sean Michaels will be kicking off a tour to promote his new book Us Conductors , a fictional account of the life of Leon Theremin and his love for Clara Rockmore. As a bonus for theremin fans, Michaels has enlisted the help of several popular...

New Theremin Tutorial Book
An English version of the book "Manuel d'initiation au Theremin" is now available! Written by French & Swiss duo Jimmy Virani et Coralie Ehinger , with the participation of "Theremingeneer" Thierry Frenkel for all technical parts. This book is...

New Fiction By Sean Michaels Inspired By Leon Theremin and Clara Rockmore
If you saw the film Theremin: An Electronic Odyssey and found yourself wishing for more of the romantically tragic tale that spun between Leon Theremin and Clara Rockmore, then look no further. A new work of fiction entitled Us Conductors explores...

Players of the Nuclear Theremin
In the future, the Earth is over-populated, and the fate of humanity rests on the shoulders of the Thereminers – brave souls who boldly go when and where no human has gone before. David Barron’s short science fiction story takes a new twist on the idea of...