Thereminists Race Away From Cambridge to Raise Money for Charity
Thereminist Charlie Draper (www.charliedraper.co.uk) and his team-mate Esther are in a race against time and money! Th...

Get Your Spook On At These Halloween Theremin Events
Looking for a theremintastic way to spend your Halloween this year? Here are a few theremin-related...

See John Hoge Performing Oct. 24th in New Jersey
Feeling wicked this Halloween season? Be sure to see our editor, John Hoge, performing on October ...

Ethnomechanica in Russia
Saint Petersburg's annual new electronic music festival will be featuring theremin for the first ti...

Your Chance To Try Theremin Hero In Person!
Looking for something fun to do September 4th? (and who isn't?) How about checking out Theremin He...

Get Your Theremin On With Hands OFF!
Hands OFF! 2011 kicks off this Thursday, July 28th for an intensive weekend of discussions, workshop...

2011 Kansas City Regional Electro-Music Festival Kicks Off
Hosted by Kevin Kissinger and Shane Morris, the KC Regional electro-music festival encompasses all ...

St. Petersburg Theremin Festival
Thereminsts will gather and perform in the home town of Lev Termen, aka Leon Theremin, for the St. Petersburg Theremin Festival (info. on Sergei Teterin's blog: roughly translated link , original Russian: ?????? ??????? ????. ) at the legendary club...

15 Theremins, All Different, All Together
This Sat. in Vancouver, BC, 15 players with instruments they built themselves will come together to...

Film Festival Celebrates 100th Birthday of Bernard Herrmann
This year marks the centenary of film composer Bernard Herrmann's birth in June 1911. From Psycho'...