winterglow - New Music Video from Dorit Chrysler
Today is the release of a new album from Dorit Chrysler called "avalanche" on the Anders Trentemø...

Forget AR... The Future of Theremin Playing is Robots!
Here's a new video of an agile-looking robot, iCub, playing the theremin. The audio output of the theremin is fed...

What Becomes a Legend Most? -- The Theremin!
Born to a life of privilege and art in Iran, losing it all in exile to America, and persevering to transform into the mo...

Thomas Grillo's Theremin Lessons Available on Amazon Instant Video!
Congratulations to Thomas Grillo! His Theremin Lessons DVD is now available on Amazon's Instant Video service, making it even more accessible to budding thereminists worldwide. You can rent it for 7 days or purchase & download the video for viewing any...

A New Theremin Cello?
A video called "Prova Theremin Cello" was posted to YouTube on Tuesday showing what appears to be a newly created theremin c...

Two Versions of Danny Boy on the Theremin for St. Patrick's Day
Happy St. Patrick's Day folks! Here are two great renditions of Danny Boy (Londonderry Air) on the therem...

Weekly Thereminspiration - Therru no Uta
This week's thereminspiration is a beautiful song called Therru no Uta (Therru's Song), by Aoi Tesh...

The Theremin Prank
Watch as an unsuspecting woman is tricked into believing she's a theremin virtuosa - on TV! You'll ...

The History of Caramoor and the Rosen House
Here's a short video documentary about Caramoor, home to one of Leon Theremin's biggest benefactor...

Theremin Lessons and Ponderings from Kip
Kip Rosser has launched a site with free theremin lessons and video blog posts of his thoughts abou...