"Theremin 100" Now Available on Bandcamp
The centennial celebration album featuring 21 tracks from around the world is now available on Bandcamp! Details: https://nythereminsociety.bandcamp.com/album/theremin-100 To continue the celebration throughout the year, the NY Theremin Society is...

NY Theremin Society "Theremin 100" Album Available for Pre-Order
The NY Theremin Society's album celebrating the 100th anniversary of the theremin is available for pre-order! Theremin 100 features contributions from no less than 50 artists around the world, including Lydia Kavina, Carolina Eyck, Dorit Chrysler,...

Carolina Eyck Releases Elegies for Theremin and Voice
Carolina Eyck's new album, Elegies for Theremin and Voice is available! Listen The release includes 10 new tracks featuring Carolina Eyck on theremin and vocals. According to the album notes, there are "...no discernible words to be found on the LP, yet...

New Music From Carolina Eyck and Eversines
It's a great Monday when Carolina Eyck releases new music! From Carolina's official website: "Waves" is a product of two weeks of studio collaborations between award-winning composer and Theremin soloist Carolina Eyck and Eversines, an electronic music...

New Music From Kip Rosser
Kip Rosser has released a new album, Lessons from the Vinegar Mother (Ambient Compositions for Theremin) . If you're wondering how vinegar and theremins are related, Kip explains the concept behind the album: The albums tile/concept is built around the...

Victoria Lundy Releasing New Theremin Album October 30th
October's theremin event calendar continues to impress! Victoria Lundy will release her new album of theremin music on October 30th, and you're all invited to the party. Miss American Vampire - songs on theremin by victoria lundy features all new music...

7 Theremin Albums To Spook Up Your Halloween
Like it or not, the theremin is known for it's spooky warble in many a B-grade horror and sci-fi film. Whether it's a mysterious creeping hand, a shadow in the dark, or a 900 year old mummy, the theremin has probably been used to enhance tension... or at...

New Music From Thomas Grillo
Thereminst Thomas Grillo has announced the release of his new album, Secret Agents From The Id. The album features all original compositions written and performed by Grillo on the theremin with accompaniment produced using iPad and PC apps such as...

New Music From Masami Takeuchi
Masami Takeuchi has announced a new album of theremin music we think you're really going to love. "Theremin Vox Collection Vol. 1" features Takeuchi performing on the Gordin Masazane theremin, an instrument produced by his company Mandarin Electron...

"Carnival of Seduction" by Timeless Sonic Factory
Carnival of Seduction is the second Timeless Sonic Factory album, a project in which the Italian artist ErMan (Maurizio Mansueti) carries on the experience of the first album "Theremin, the way I feel" experimenting the Theremin instrument in contemporary...