Thomas Grillo's Theremin Lessons Available on Amazon Instant Video!
Congratulations to Thomas Grillo! His Theremin Lessons DVD is now available on Amazon's Instant Video service, making it even more accessible to budding thereminists worldwide. You can rent it for 7 days or purchase & download the video for viewing any...

Carolina Eyck Available for Lessons in the U.S. in March
German thereminist Carolina Eyck will be in the United States during March, and she's available to give private lessons in New York (March 21, 22, 27) and Washington D.C. (March 24, 25) during her trip! Interested students may sign up at her website....

4 New Instructional Videos From Kip Rosser
Kip Rosser is a busy guy! He’s uploaded 4 new instructional videos this month to YouTube in his series on learning to play the theremin: Xtreme Articulation, Part 3 Mechanics of Vibrato, Part 3 Techniques – Basic Hand Positions Theremin: Basic Body and...

Thomas Grillo's Theremin Lessons DVD Now Available
Fellow Theremin World member Thomas Grillo has produced a new DVD of theremin lessons that is now available from Amazon.com . The DVD features 2 hours of instructions and is suitable for both beginners and experienced thereminists. Congratulations and...

Learn Theremin From a Master By the Beach!
What better way to spend your summer vacation than personal lessons from a theremin master in a luxu...

Learning Theremin in Japan
For our Japanese readers, here are a couple of resources to help introduce you to the theremin. Fir...
Thereminst are doing it for themselves: Summer Academy, Alsace
TW member Thierry Frenkel has taken on the mantel of event organizer and announced the Theremin Sum...
Lydia Kavina Theremin Workshop, Oxford, May 22nd
Lydia Kavina will offer a theremin workshop in Oxford on May 22, 2010. Tuition includes 1/2 hour in...
Take a Theremin Workshop from Lydia Kavina in Oxford - October 3, 2009
Lydia Kavina will be teaching theremin workshops this Saturday, October 3rd in Oxford, UK. Classes a...
Barbara Buchholz to hold Theremin Workshops
Imagine learning to play theremin from a true master in a beautiful setting such as the Mediterranea...