Events Planned In Japan For Leon Theremin's 120th Birthday
In honor of Leon Theremin's upcoming 120th birthday this August, Masami Takeuchi and others have planned a series of fantastic events in Japan. Leon Theremin was born in St. Petersburg, Russia on August 15th, 1896. This was before the Russian revolution,...

All Japan Theremin Festival - Sept. 13, Tokyo
The All Japan Theremin Festival will be held in Tokyo, Japan on Sept. 13th. The line-up includes: AIDA Koichiro, yes, mama OK?, Omuton, Jin Katagiri (Rahmens), Kuritetsu, Sato SunaMegumi, The Puchinzu, Shinaakiko and rose wood, Takeuchi Masami, strip,...

New Music From Masami Takeuchi
Masami Takeuchi has announced a new album of theremin music we think you're really going to love. "Theremin Vox Collection Vol. 1" features Takeuchi performing on the Gordin Masazane theremin, an instrument produced by his company Mandarin Electron...

Thereminsts Set World Record in Japan
Congratulations to Masami Takeuchi and 271 other thereminists for setting the official world record for the largest number of...

Weekly Thereminspiration - Therru no Uta
This week's thereminspiration is a beautiful song called Therru no Uta (Therru's Song), by Aoi Tesh...

Utamin Introduces Kids to Space Control
Here's something for your holiday shopping list, especially if you have kids to shop for (or if you ...

Eat My Theremin, Please...
Photo: Engadget JapaneseThomas Ricker at Engadget reported today on a Japanese product researchcompa...

Learning Theremin in Japan
For our Japanese readers, here are a couple of resources to help introduce you to the theremin. Fir...
Nodame Cantable, Theremin Romance on the Big Screen
The very popular manga "Nodame Cantabile", which stars a theremin playing music student, has been ...
Theremin Amuse Museum Japan
Thereminst Eri will be performing at the AMUSE MUSEUM, which houses a collection of classical art of...