Without Bob Moog's fascination with the theremin and deep respect for it's players we might well not be here today discussing playing the aether.
Here's an excerpt from the Wikipedia entry for him:
Dr. Robert Arthur Moog (pronounced moug to rhyme with "vogue")
(May 23, 1934 – August 21, 2005)
Robert Moog constructed his own theremin as early as 1949. Later he described a theremin in the hobbyist magazine Electronics World and offered a kit of parts for the construction of the Electronic World's Theremin, which became very successful.
In the late 1980s Moog repaired the original theremin of Clara Rockmore, an accomplishment which he considered a high point of his professional career. He also produced, in collaboration with first wife Shirleigh Moog, Mrs. Rockmore's album, The Art of the Theremin. Dr. Moog was a principal interview subject in the award winning documentary film, THEREMIN- An Electronic Odyssey, the success of which led to a revival in interest in the theremin instrument.
Moog Music went back to its roots and once again began manufacturing theremins. Thousands have been sold to date and are used by both professional and amateur musicians around the globe. In 1996 he published another do-it-yourself theremin guide. Today, Moog Music is the leading manufacturer of performance-quality theremins.

We owe him a lot, there'll never be another like him. Thank you Bob, and we miss you.
The ThereminWorld Obit. by Jason