Photo S.J.Sherman
Today was the day that Clara Rockmore died in 1998. All I could think about this morning was her Birthday Party here in New York hosted at the Frants Gallery in Soho last March. It was an amazing evening, very much in the spirit of Clara herself: a lot of memories, theremin playing, connecting with friends old and new, and of course plenty of food and drink. So to celebrate her today, here are some snap shots taken by Vladimir Kitlyar and myself. There were a lot of folks from the theremin community there, here is just a few of them.
Before the party there was a roundtable discussion of Clara's impact on theremin playing hosted by Lydia Kavina on video from London with Vladimir Kitlyar, Sergey Teterin, Steve Sherman, Albert Glinsky, Dorit Chrysler, Olivia Mattis. A video of the discussion is still in the works at Frants

Vladimir and Dorit Playing together in a live accompaniment to an amazing silent spaceship movie from Russia.
Albert Glinsky shared many memories and played a tape of one of his interviews with Clara.
Bob Sherman got a generous donation check for the Nadia Reisenberg and Clara Rockmore Foundation from Moog Music, presented by Dorit Chrysler.
And Steve Sherman brought Clara's first little violin that her uncle gave her and she kept with her through her life

Clara's sprit lives on.