Looking for a theremintastic way to spend your Halloween this year? Here are a few theremin-related events we dug up on the Interwebs. If you know of a show, exhibit, or theremin party not listed here that's happening on or around Halloween, feel free to post a comment to let everyone know. Happy spooking!
October 31, 11am at the University of Austin in Austin, TX
Celebrate the spooky-sounding theremin this Halloween. Stop by to play a real theremin and attend a noon screening of the documentary "Theremin: An Electronic Odyssey" in DFA 4.104. Location: Doty Fine Arts Building (DFA), Fine Arts Library Contact: Karen Holt
Oct. 29, at the Iron Curtain Pub in Prague
For fiends not in the know, Blaq Mummy is a local "monster core" band consisting of singer and theremin extraordinaire Farnsworth, singer...
Running through January 15, 2012 in Victoria, BC, Canada
There's a giant gourd in the corner of the LAB Gallery and when you reach your hand toward it and hover just so, it lets out a cranky croak...
November 2nd, Sellersville, PA
Catch the compelling & internationally renowned Divine Hand Ensemble on the heels of Halloween; DHE is fronted by Mano Divina, a professional concert thereminist who performs classical compositions, chamber music, opera arias & sacred choral music with his 8 piece string ensemble...