The festival is focused on introducing, promoting and gathering support for this wonderful instrument within the Hispanic culture. It will be a meeting place for all those that are fond of or simply feel a curiosity for the theremin.
It will take place in Barcelona on Saturday, the 2nd of June, 2007, at the cinema "Cines Verdi" and the restaurant " Salambó ". For the first time in this country the documentary "Theremin, an Electronic Odyssey" will be shown in a cinema. We will also be able to hear several concerts by thereminists who are sure to delight everybody, especially those of you that still have not had the opportunity to see a theremin in person and in action.
Also two more events will feature the great thereminist Lydia Kavina, but in the context of “ 3er Festival de las Artes Castilla y León-Salamanca 2007”. That will be in Salamanca on Friday, the 8th of June.
Thank you Oscar at Theremin Hispano for posting the notice.