Who would you cast in a feature film about the theremin?
A recent NPR article pointed out that while the story of the theremin has been told as a documentary, it seems to be begging...
Theremins on the Silver Screen
It's always a treat to hear a theremin in a movie score. It's even more rare to see one. Jerry Le...
Film Festival Celebrates 100th Birthday of Bernard Herrmann
This year marks the centenary of film composer Bernard Herrmann's birth in June 1911. From Psycho'...
Award Winning Short Film With Theremin Soundtrack
Jonah and the Vicarious Nature of Homesickness from Bryn Chainey on Vimeo.We're excited to announce ...
Martians Go Home! uploaded to YouTube
It's an age old story, really. Girl plays theremin, audience turns on her, girl blasts audience wit...
Lydia Kavina Celebrates Clara Rockmore in New York, Virtually
Photo S.J.Sherman [reposting Saturday, Feburary 26, 2011] Lydia Kavina will be featured in a celebr...
First Mexican Film with Theremin
The Mexican film La Pantera Negra features the theremin prominently in the score and it is being dis...
She saved the earth with three odd little words.
photo 20th Century FoxBesides Bernard Herrman's famous theremin based score, most of us never forgot...
LA Film Festival - "Dear Lemon Lima" includes character who plays theremin
From Examiner.com:"From the other side of the coin (and the opposite end of the country, namely, the...
The Day The Earth Slowed Down
Bernard Herrman's score to the 1951 film The Day the Earth Stood Still is one of the clasic theremin...