Articles / Miscellaneous

Former Organist Brings Theremin To Cathedral

Satin Pauls Sand Diego

This Friday March 14, the San Diego Chamber Orchestra will be presented in concert at St. Paul's Cathedral, San Diego.

In addition to some feisty Hayden, the program will include a new theremin work, The Concerto for Theremin by Linda Kernohan and featuring Scott Paulson, musician and theremin soloist for the San Diego Chamber Orchestra.

Linda Kernohan was a former organist at St. Andrew’s, Encinitas and is in the final stages of a Ph.D. in composition from UCSD.

There's also a write up and video of Scott Paulson at the public radio station.

For tickets
or call
858-350-0290 x 7

Thanks GordonC for the tip in the forum!