Juilliard Journal Features Theremin
The Juilliard Journal last month published a good article about Clara Rockmore, the theremin, and c...

Eric Ross - Bomb eMag Interview
Thereminist and composer Eric Ross was recently featured in an interview on the Bomb Magazine blog. ...

Dalit Warshaw: Invocations
Dalit Hadass Warshaw has released a CD of her work. It not only includes theremin, but a particular...

Bibliography and More at Thorwald Jorgensen .com
Thereminist Thorwald Jørgensen has been putting together a bibliography of theremin music in the The...

'Night Lights' New Work for Theremin and Chamber Ensemble
'Night Lights' is a new work by Dalit Warshaw for theremin, flute, violin, and tuba, and was recentl...
Fred Tells All!
TheremWorld member Fred Mundell has posted extensively about theremin engineering in our forums.Late...
Rural Electrification - February 26, New Britain, CT
photo Peter SchaafComposer and thereminst Elizabeth Brown will be performing her work "Rural Electri...
Theremin Concerto with Harry Partch Ensemble
Composer Elizabeth Brown will present the premiere of her Theremin Concerto 'Seahorse' with the Harr...
Elizabeth Brown: Theremin Chamber Music Boston, 9/20/2008
ThereminWorld member, Elizabeth Brown, a well established thereminist (she performed with the Americ...
Former Organist Brings Theremin To Cathedral
This Friday March 14, the San Diego Chamber Orchestra will be presented in concert at St. Paul's Cat...