New Moog documentary being filmed
Director Hans Fjellestad is busy working on a new documentary about Bob Moog. You can download clips of the film here: http://zu33.com/moog/ . Moog Music, Inc. has a press release here: http://www.moogmusic.com/news.php?cat_id=31...
New tube theremin schematic posted
Pierre Genet has generously shared with us the schematic and several sound clips for his tube therem...
More hints about the upcoming new Etherwave
Peter Pringle recently posted a few hints about the upcoming new Etherwave Theremin design from Moog...
Lost Weekend saved by the theremin?
An interesting news blurb stating how audiences left the original version of "The Lost Weekend" laug...
Moog 2004 calendar marks 50 years of synths!
It all began with the Model 201 theremin back in 1954. 50 years later, Bob Moog is still at it! Th...