Clara Venice Talks About Her Love Riddle
Clara Venice is having a lot of fun these days. The busy Canadian singer/songwriter recently released an EP, Love Riddle, and will kick off a tour with the Barenaked Ladies in January. Did I mention she also plays the theremin? (and...

Thorwald Jørgensen plays overseas for the first time!
Dutch thereminist and TW member Thorwald Jørgensen has been invited to play at the "Music and Beyond" Festival from July 4 to 15, 2012 in Ottawa, Canada. He will perform with the Moscow String Quartet on July 11th. Unfortunately the festival's website has...

"Promising Objects" Exhibit Includes Gourd Theremin
In another case of "art imitates theremin", artist Alison MacTaggart's exhibit, "Promising Objects...

15 Theremins, All Different, All Together
This Sat. in Vancouver, BC, 15 players with instruments they built themselves will come together to...
Black Santa! 2 Reeds 2 Antennas 2Go
photos Jennifer Tse Blogger Jennifer Tse has been reporting on the diverse buskers playing in the ...
Backers needed to fund a room-sized theremin project
A pledge drive is under way to help fund artists David Beaulieu and Christian Pelletier to build a g...
Student Film Helps Thereminize Canada!
The Air Canada enRoute Student Film Festival has a featured nominee that is a Theremin Documentary."...
Theremins on the Toronto Islands, Sign Waves 2007
Sound Travels Festival of Sound Art, July 1 to October 1, 2007 Toronto Islands, Ontario""New Adventu...

Restoration of an RCA Theremin
Dayfan has done it yet again! The prolific writer and fixer-upper of RCA theremins has treated us t...
New work for theremin wins award from Canadian arts council
Composer Peter Hannan's work 2 Words received a second place nod from the Canadian Council for the A...