Magnetovore Inventor Building New Theremin
David Levi, founder of Magnetovore and the inventor of the magnetic cello of the same name, is hard at work on a new theremin design. His goal is to create a more playable theremin that will bring more musicians to the theremin...

An Updated Magnetovore
For the past 4 years, David Levi has been hard at work refining his Magnetovore electronic Theremincello. Now, 7 prototypes later, the instrument has evolved significantly with a more minimalistic design and better playability. You can see the...

Magnetovore Magnetic Cello Ready For Prime Time
We first met the Magnetovore, an electromagnetic cello-like instrument by Cal Poly student David Levi, about a year ago. &nb...

Magnetovore - A Magnetic Cello
Cal Poly SLO student Dan Levi has created a new form of electronic cello that uses magnetic induction instead of a lever to ...