Rare Replica Theremin Cello For Sale
Here's a rare opportunity to own a rare replica of an even more rare instrument - the theremin cello! The theremin cello is one of Leon Theremin's lesser known creations. It features a touch-strip (the first ever?) along the neck used to control pitch and...

Thierry Frenkel Demonstrates His New Theremin Cello Design
Noted "Theremingenieur" Thierry Frenkel just posted this video of his new theremin cello design on his Facebook page. ...

New Theremin Cello video online!
Valeria Sturba, a young, beautiful and very gifted Italian violinist and thereminist from Bologna has recorded a new video wh...

New Theremin Cello in development in Italia
Augusto Triani, an Italian engineer is actually working on a new Theremin Cello. The first results are very promising, but he...

Magnetovore - A Magnetic Cello
Cal Poly SLO student Dan Levi has created a new form of electronic cello that uses magnetic induction instead of a lever to ...

A New Theremin Cello?
A video called "Prova Theremin Cello" was posted to YouTube on Tuesday showing what appears to be a newly created theremin c...

Replica Theremin Cello And Diamond Speaker For Sale
Here’s a rare opportunity to own a high quality replica instrument that’s nearly as hard...

Replica Theremin Cello And Diamond Speaker For Sale
We're excited to report that a replica theremin cello and diamond speaker built by master craftsman ...
Video: Pamelia Kurstin demos the theremin cello
I just uploaded some video to Veoh of Pamelia Kurstin playing a replica theremin cello at Ethermusic...