New Posters From Bob Moog Foundation To Celebrate His 84th Birthday
In honor of Bob Moog's 84th birthday, our good friends at the Bob Moog Foundation have issued 3 limited edition posters. Of course, this is our favorite! The posters measure 11" by 17" and are printed in Asheville, NC. Only 150 copies of each poster are...

Artist Teases New Theremin Comic Series
Artist and musician Robert Meyer recently posted these theremin comics to Facebook and announced plans to produce a book with more in the coming months. Meyer, 34 years old, lives on the Isle of Usedom in Germany. He has been drawing comics since he was a...

History Of Electronic Music On A Theremin Schematic
From Dorothy, a brief history of electronic music overlaid on a theremin schematic. From the item's description: Metallic silver screen print on 120gsm Keaykolour Royal Blue uncoated paper H60 x W80cm A history of electronic music mapped out to the...

Dorit Chrysler Teases New Theremin Kiosk Project
In her email newsletter, Dorit Chrysler announced that the NY Theremin Society has received a grant from Thomas Campbell Jackson to develop a prototype "Theremin Kiosk" that could be networked with others around the world to create a virtual theremin...

The 528Hz Ensemble with Thorwald Jørgensen
528Hz is an ensemble with a very unusual and beautiful sound: duduk, theremin, trumpet and saxophone quartet.The ensemble was founded in May 2013 as a continuation of their successful premiere of the piece “Healing” by Igor Iofe on the...

12 Amazing Custom Theremins Will Inspire You
These 12 beautifully hand-crafted theremins by designer François Chambard are a breath of fresh air in a sea of shoeboxes with antennas. Much like the Moog Etherwave Pro, they remind us that theremins can be engineered with style . I just hope they're...

Theremin Comic Rolls On
THEREMIN, the comic series but Curt Pires, continues its exploration of what Lev Termen's life might have been like... with ...

Theremin #1 Now Available For Pre-Order At Comixology
The first issue of Monkeybrains' new comic series, Theremin, is now available for pre-order via Comixology.com. At the ...

Gorgeous Screenprinted Etherwaves for Moogfest 2012
Moog Music shared a photo on their Facebook page this morning of some gorgeous new screenprinted Etherwaves made for Moogfes...

Help Kickstart Theophony - A Giant Faux Theremin for Burning Man
Before we get into it, I want to point out that the creators of this idea recognized that what they're building is not a "t...