New Project: Pimento Theremin album released

"Project: Pimento" has released a new full-length CD, "Magical Moods of the Theremin". The CD featu...

Eric Ross at Utah Arts Festival

Eric Ross, composer/thereminist, is featured artist on the Utah Arts Festival.Ju.19-20. Salt Lake Ci...

Try an online Rhythmicon!

The Online Rhythmicon was comissioned by Minnesota Public Radio, and is now available for you to pla...

Clara Rockmore

Update on RCA Theremin #354 (it's really #100115!)

Buck Sanders recently sent us an update on his RCA Theremin, previously thought to be #354 based on ...

2 new software theremins added to Software page

2 new software theremins have been added to the Software Page: Gleetchplug - a plugin for VST, MAS(m...