Looking for theremin teachers!
Thereminworld regurlarly gets requests for contact information for available theremin teachers all o...
Armen Ra to play the Va Va Voom Room April 19th
Armen Ra will play the Va Va Voom Room on April 19th. For more information, see our events calendar...
SXSW gives Spree its time in the sun
A feature article about the 24-piece ensemble known as the Polyphonic Spree.Full story here....

Updates on RCA Theremins #521 and #200085
We've just posted updates to RCA Theremins #521 and #200085 in the RCA Theremin Registry. RCA #521 i...
2 companies added to list of theremin manufacturers
F.M.K., a Spanish maker of theremins and other various "efector de guitarra" has been added to our l...