History Of Electronic Music On A Theremin Schematic
From Dorothy, a brief history of electronic music overlaid on a theremin schematic. From the item's description: Metallic silver screen print on 120gsm Keaykolour Royal Blue uncoated paper H60 x W80cm A history of electronic music mapped out to the...

A DIY Wine Box Theremin
This article was contributed by Adrian Bontenbal One of my Christmas gifts was a wooden box with two bottles good wine. After Christmas, the bottles empty, I’ll get the idea to build a wine box theremin. I’ll took the old transistor theremin schematics...

Optical Theremin Built From Snap Circuits
Using Radio Shack's Snap Circuits kit and a common 555 timer IC, Instructables.com member KRA5H designed this simple optical...

Updated Circuit Details for Clara Rockmore's Theremin
Adrian Bontenbal has provided us with updated notes from his experiments in building a re-creation of Clara Rockmore'...
Etherwave Case Mod
Case mods have been all the rage with hardcore gamer PCs for several years. Hot rods inspired the c...
Build the Squaremin - An Optical Theremin
Here's a fun twist on the theremin that looks to be fairly easy to build too. Circuit-Projects.com ...
Keppinger Tube Theremin Schematics
ThereminWorld member and friend Jeff Sparks has spent a great amount of time collecting and drafting...
1961 Moog's "Build a Transistorized Theremin" On ebay
Original copy of 1961 Electronics Magazine including Bob Moog's land mark article on building a ther...

Pierre Genet's Tube Theremin
Pierre has built a new tube theremin design based loosely on the RCA theremin. He has graciously shared his scematic and several sample sound clips with us! If you have questions or comments on the design, feel free to post in our theremin construction...
DIY: MusicFromOuterSpace.com
For our DIY readers, you must check out this great site devoted to homebrew synthesizer building. I...