It's Diwali!
Diwali (Divali, or Deepawali) is one of the great festivals of the world and may be the most univers...
Gizmodo covering the Matryomin theremin
One can argue it's not really news that a site is reporting old news, but since Gizmodo is read by h...
¡El thereminization del mundo siguen!
World Thereminization Continues!Theremin Argentina is spreading the word of the Theremin farther in ...
Paris: Theremin Building Workshop Sept. 27 - 29
"" is organizing 2 theremin workshops sessions (September,27-28-29th). This session...
Media Art Friesland, Netherlands Features Theremin Ultimedia
Media Art Friesland September 2007 in Leeuwarden, Netherlands""The Media Art Friesland Festival 2...
Hands Off UK A Smash Hit!
Purcell School, photo by Jen HammakerNews of Hands Off UK is coming in from TW members in the Forum ...
Get'em while they're young!
Niles Public Library , Niles, IL 60714 Is offering a special youth program introducing the theremin....
Theremins on the Toronto Islands, Sign Waves 2007
Sound Travels Festival of Sound Art, July 1 to October 1, 2007 Toronto Islands, Ontario""New Adventu...
New Sounds in Auckland: festival July 2007
The Audio Foundation presents Alt.Music Festival Pauline Oliveros (USA) head lines this festival o...
Hats Off to Hands Off UK!
It was pretty touch and go there for awhile.But they found the venue,they set the dates,they got the...