Herb Deutsch Talks Theremins with Theremin 30 Podcast
Synthesizer pioneer Herbert A. Deutsch discusses purchasing his first theremin in the December 2020 episode of the Theremin 30 podcast. That purchase lead to a meeting with Bob Moog and their historic collaboration on the development of the first Moog...

Clara Venice Talks About Her Love Riddle
Clara Venice is having a lot of fun these days. The busy Canadian singer/songwriter recently released an EP, Love Riddle, and will kick off a tour with the Barenaked Ladies in January. Did I mention she also plays the theremin? (and...

CBS Sunday Morning to Air Theremin Segment
CBS Sunday Morning will air a segment about the theremin on Sunday, October 27th starting at 9:30am EDT. The show will...

Rob Schwimmer on NPR's Song Travels
Congratulations to Rob Schwimmer for his recent appearance on the NPR podcast 'Song Travels' with host Michael Feinstein. Li...

Catching Up With Carolina Eyck
German thereminist Carolina Eyck has been busy lately! Between improvisations with guitarist Vinzenz Wieg, a new quartet, serving as the artistic director for the Theremin Summer Academy in Colmar, France, and performing with orchestras around the...

Sounding Out! Interview with Theremin Master Eric Ross
Sounding Out! The Sound Studies Blog podcast episode number 10 features an interview with avant-garde thereminist Eric Ross....

Eric Ross - Bomb eMag Interview
Thereminist and composer Eric Ross was recently featured in an interview on the Bomb Magazine blog. ...

Catching Up With Yvonne Lambert
I recently had the opportunity to chat with the lovely and talented Yvonne Lambert, multi-instrumentalist and front-woman for the Austin, TX based band The Octopus Project. Between touring and writing new music with the band, stitching together hand-made...