Midnight Improvisation: Theremin Session #8
Carolina Eyck and synthesist Marius Leicht perform an improvisation with theremin and synthesizers....
Theremin In Danny Elfman's Music From The Films Of Tim Burton
On October 30, PBS's Live From Lincoln Center featured the concert "Danny Elfman's Music from the Films of Tim Burton", and of course, the theremin (played by Daryll Kubian) had a key role. The concert has been performed previously in the UK, Mexico City,...

Thorwald Jørgensen at the X Rio Harpfestival in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
After having played at the Electromagnectica Festival in Santiago de Chile, Thorwald J�rgensen is now traveling to South America once again. Thorwald and harpist Renske de Leuw will be performing at the X Rio Harpfestival in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil....

Eban Schletter plays "Let It Go" on Theremin
Nearly everyone has covered this song on every instrument imaginable... and now it's the theremin's turn....

A slack filler
Here is a first video where Marieke van der Heyden (NL) plays Mattheson's Air on the new Theremincello, accompanied by Thijn ...

NY Theremin Society Covered In The Wall Street Journal
Congratulations to Rob Schwimmer, Dorit Chrysler, Kip Rosser, Cornelius Loy, and Amethyste (and the rest of the NY Theremin S...

More Talking Machine - Rob Schwimmer Plays "Lost In The Stars"
Without a doubt, the Electro-Harmonix Talking Machine would take the title of "Best Theremin Effect" for 2012 (if such a tit...

Barbershop Quartet - With 4 Theremins!
The multiple-theremin performances keep coming! Thierry recently posted this on YouTube: First public performance of Meike D...

Eugene Mirman Does Stand Up Comedy With A Theremin
Comedy Central Comedian Eugene Mirman hosted a comedy special on Comedy Central tonight in which he used an Etherwave&nbs...

Carolina Eyck With The Frankfurt Radio Symphony Orchestra
On November 10th, Carolina Eyck performed Fazil Say's Universe Symphony No. 3 with the Frankfurt Radio Symphony Orchestra. If you didn't get a chance to see her in person, you can watch the entire performance right here! The symphony performance was part...