App Helps Theremin Designers Model Resonant Circuits
Theremin Explorer is a new app by Theremin World member ILYA that helps designers model LC tank circuits, the heart of traditional analog theremins. In the circuit, an inductor (L) and capacitor (C) are joined in parallel. When voltage is applied to the...

3 Optical Theremin Kits Under $50
Whether you're looking for a cool science fair project or you just want some soldering practice, building an optical theremin can be a fun and educational experience. Unlike true theremins, optical theremins use light sensing "photoresistors" instead of...

Custom-Built Replacement Tubes For RCA Theremin
Mark McKeown built these custom vacuum tubes by request to replace the 120 tubes in the RCA Theremin. The tubes are a solid statement replacement and eliminate the volume lag of the original tubes. He has some left from the project and is selling them...

DIY Matryomin Theremin
Here's a new video from Gaudi showing how to build your own DIY version of the Matryomin. The design uses an Open.Theremin core as the theremin "guts". For those unfamiliar with the instrument, the Matryomin is a theremin designed by Masami Takeuchi and...

Channel Road Vacuum Tube Theremin
John D Polstra of Channel Road Amplification (Lopez Island, WA) shared with this write-up of a beautiful looking and sounding vacuum tube theremin he constructed. For the technically savvy, the article contains full schematics of his design along with a...

Student Invents Theremin-Based Respiratory Monitor
A big congratulations to 17 year old Eswar Anandapadmanaban for being selected as one of the top 15 global finalists in this year's Google Science Fair. His project? Eswar built a theremin-based touchless respiratory monitor. Dubbed...

EE Times on Building a Low Cost Theremin
Thanks to EE Times for pointing us to this theremin experiment kit out of a programmable system on a chip (PSoC) device. The project uses a PSoC 4 Pioneer Kit from Cypress. Wire it up to a capacity sensor, add a speaker, download a program to...

Carolina Eyck On How To Tune A Modded Etherwave
Carolina Eyck discusses how to tune an Etherwave Standard Theremin updated with Thierry's awesome ESPE01 mod....

Space Controlled Laptop
Space controlled music has entered the laptop personal studio world with Leap Motion's new Muse. Good to see Lev's ideas are still alive at Berklee College of Music and making their way into new music production tools....

Reader Project: A Theremin Built With Theremino
Here's a cool project submitted by reader Lello La Barbera. What you see here is a theremin based on Theremino, a modular system for connecting multiple sensing and output devices together with real time communication. Theremino actually...