Podcast Interview with Thorwald Jørgensen
A new exciting interview with Thorwald for the Los Angeles based podcast Entertainment Drive-Thru is now online (in English!). You can listen to it here :http://entertainmentdrivethru.com/thorwald-jorgensen/...

Support Carolina Eyck and Christopher Tarnow's new album
In October 2014, Carolina Eyck and Christopher Tarnow will record a CD with chamber music for theremin and piano in Leipzig, Germany. On the album, there will be two Sonatas by Christopher amongst other premiere recordings for their duo.To make this...

The Theremin and the "Thérémingenieur" in a short docu in French TV
Le theremin, un instrument insolite aux m�lodies subtiles...

7Sputnik Film Festival in Warsaw with Theremin presence
The 7Sputnik film festival will be held in Warsaw, Poland from November 7 to 17, 2013. There will be much Theremin presence:...

The Theremin Cello project goes on
It was almost a year ago that I mentioned Augusto Triani on TW's front page for the first time, an Italian who invests much i...

Cristian Torres Plays Theremin on Argentinian National TV... Again!
Chilean thereminist Cristian Torres has been hanging out in Argentina spreading the good theremin word. A couple of mo...

A Theremin Grows in the Bronx
Last year ThereminWorld posted about a school teacher who was raising funds to get a theremin for his classroom. The re...

Jon Stewart Hates Theremins?
Last night on The Daily Show, host Jon Stewart took a quick jab at theremins, apparently being the instrument of "hipster...

Celebrate Bob And Help Spread World Theremization
In celebration of Bob Moog’s 78th birthday, Moog Music, Inc. will donate 50% of all online clothing and merchandise sa...

Thereminist Thorwald Jørgensen tells and plays in the Dutch TV
Thorwald Jørgensen was a guest in a talk show in the Dutch national TV last friday evening. He told (in Dutch) about t...