Get The Holiday Spirit With Some Theremin Christmas Pudding
No, it’s not a recipe from the Moog Cookbook. A few years ago, Peter Pringle recorded a...
NPR - Theremin Hearts
The NPR program Hearts of Space will be dedicated to the theremin next week in a show titled 'ETHER...
Help Clara's Next Album Happen
The Nadia Reisenberg/Clara Rockmore Foundation has been working on releasing one more album of Clara...
Percussive Aether
Committed to creating an album after recently playing together for the first time, drum artist Seba...
Film Festival Celebrates 100th Birthday of Bernard Herrmann
This year marks the centenary of film composer Bernard Herrmann's birth in June 1911. From Psycho'...
Award Winning Short Film With Theremin Soundtrack
Jonah and the Vicarious Nature of Homesickness from Bryn Chainey on Vimeo.We're excited to announce ...
Pamelia Kurstin and Sebastian Rochford To Release Album June 13th
I'm pretty excited to learn that one of our favorite professional thereminists, Pamelia Kurstin, is ...
Complaint - original composition for Theremin and piano (1934) Riccardo Valente
Complaint was written in 1934 for Lucie Bigelow Rosen and is a small Elegy for Theremin and piano. T...
Euphonic Verses: New Old Favorites For Theremin
The new CD Euphonic Verses by thereminist Kip Rosser and keyboardist Jef Anderson is now available o...
Dalit Warshaw: Invocations
Dalit Hadass Warshaw has released a CD of her work. It not only includes theremin, but a particular...