Jon Stewart Hates Theremins?
Last night on The Daily Show, host Jon Stewart took a quick jab at theremins, apparently being the instrument of "hipster...

Theremin In Toyota Yaris Commercial
Don't you hate it when you're auditioning new band members, and some creepy faceless guy shows up with a reverb-laden t...

Sightings: Ke$ha Demos Theremin on Conan
It's been a big week for theremin exposure on national TV. If Millhouse playing a theremin wasn't e...

Sightings: A Theremin On The Simpsons
If you happened to catch last night's episode of The Simpsons, you might have seen Millhouse perform...

Theremin Makes Cameo On Big Bang Theory
Last night's episode of the CBS series Big Bang Theory featured a sub-plot centered around the the...

Lydia Kavina Appears On BBC's ZingZillas
Lydia Kavina made an appearance on the BBC childrens' show ZingZillas today. Chalk another one up f...
Theremin Reference on the Daily Show
Yes, that's Jon Stewart doing his best "air theremin" impersonation! A couple of our eagle-eyed mem...
Black Santa! 2 Reeds 2 Antennas 2Go
photos Jennifer Tse Blogger Jennifer Tse has been reporting on the diverse buskers playing in the ...
Theremin Sleuthing To Hit Santa Fe
photo: PBSSanta Fe New Mexican Local news in briefs, November 11, 2009PBS 'History Detectives' plans...
LA Film Festival - "Dear Lemon Lima" includes character who plays theremin
From Examiner.com:"From the other side of the coin (and the opposite end of the country, namely, the...