Epic Etherwave Theremin For Sale On eBay
Seller "kazek69696969" from Lublin, Poland has posted this epic custom Etherwave theremin on eBay with a Buy It Now price of over $2300 USD. It appears to be housed in a restored RCA AR-1264 Theremin cabinet (or a pretty good replica - the poster claims...

Channel Road Vacuum Tube Theremin
John D Polstra of Channel Road Amplification (Lopez Island, WA) shared with this write-up of a beautiful looking and sounding vacuum tube theremin he constructed. For the technically savvy, the article contains full schematics of his design along with a...

A DIY Wine Box Theremin
This article was contributed by Adrian Bontenbal One of my Christmas gifts was a wooden box with two bottles good wine. After Christmas, the bottles empty, I’ll get the idea to build a wine box theremin. I’ll took the old transistor theremin schematics...

Sewer Pipe Theremin
This article was contributed by Dana Abbott After catching a glimpse and hearing a Theremin on youtube.com, I was hooked. The sound is a like nothing I had ever heard before. I recommend that anyone interested in building/playing one to research and...