RCA to Resume Theremin Production
RCA, apparently noticing the increase in interest in theremins and in particular, their vintage AR-1...

The Julius Goldberg RCA Theremin
This page has actually been available for a long time, but for some reason I've overlooked linking t...

What's a Theremin?
Meet the Theremin The theremin was invented in 1920 by a Russian physicist named Lev Termen (in the United States his name was Leon Theremin). Today, this marvelous instrument is once again in the musical spotlight. Besides looking like no other...

Another RCA theremin found!
Another RCA theremin has been discovered, and this one has a great home! David Skelley sent us this...

Theremin Documentary on BBC Radio October 21st
BBC Radio 4 will broadcast a documentary about the theremin this Thursday (21st October) at 11:30AM GMT. Details on the show can be found on the BBC website here . "Joining comedian and theremin enthusiast Bill Bailey are sonic inventor Robert Moog,...

Another RCA Theremin added to the list
Dave Barnes wrote in to tell us about an RCA theremin at the Canada Museum of Science and Technology...

Update on RCA Theremin #354 (it's really #100115!)
Buck Sanders recently sent us an update on his RCA Theremin, previously thought to be #354 based on ...

Updates on RCA Theremins #521 and #200085
We've just posted updates to RCA Theremins #521 and #200085 in the RCA Theremin Registry. RCA #521 i...

RCA Theremin #354 found!
Buck Sanders just contacted us to let us know he had recently purchased this RCA theremin on eBay. ...